Saturday, May 18, 2013

And the Winners are...

Thank you all for Getting Shitty with the Rogues.  We had such a fun-filled night.  Some of  us don’t remember much but that’s neither here nor there.  We hope most of you had at least one beer refill, which we are assuming you did because we bought 20 pitchers,  15 shots,  3 Vodka Sodas with a splash of pineapple (Heather doesn’t like beer) and that was just on ONE tab.   So there was definitely plenty to go around. 

We also want to thank you all for helping us raise $200 for Nathan and his family.  They were very touched and thankful.  You are all amazing and we all appreciate the support you have given Nathan and his family.

Now what you all have been waiting for… Get Shitty with Rogues Awards.  We had a hard time this year, because most of us were too drunk to keep an eye out for kickballers who were really Getting Shitty with the Rogues.  We didn’t have pregnant, sober Dawn taking notes this season.  On that note, we have decided to do awards a little differently this season.  And the winners are:

Got Rogued:
Kris Briones- we all know why…

Bunch Of Drunks:
Ball me, Maybe- every time we turned our heads, there was a blue shirt at our refill station and every member of their team donated at least a $1 every time they came to the table.  And they played countless games of flip cup with us! Oh and one of their co-captains was spotted taking a body shot off of one of our Lady Rogues!  

Survived Rogues Night:
Kristina King- she helped us close down the bar and was witnessed leaving  with a slight lean as she walked, along with a couple red beer stains on her shirt. 

Social Butterfly:
EJ-He was in every other picture.  Yes, he may have been the only one with a camera, but usually you never see the person behind the camera.  

Partied Like a Rogue:
Ana- We all agreed that we all had a lot of fun with Ana.  She kept telling us how much fun she was having and thanked us numerous times.  She had a DD (her bodyguard) so she could drink and party with the Rogues!

Come pick up your prize at the Rogues' table on Monday Night!  Congrats and thanks for Getting Shitty with the Rogues!  

Friday, May 17, 2013

EOS Date/Service Auction

Ok we want you all to get involved this year at the EOS!  We would like to do a Date/Service auction this year!  Get your minds out of the gutter…

This is how it will work:
A person or a couple can offer a date or a service.   It can be anything; dinner and movie, free web design,  Kings game,  babysitting,  Magic Mountain tickets, Spray tan (coughTIMcough), Party decorations/invitations… you get the idea, right!?   You can even purchase a deal from living social and offer it for the auction.   The person offering the date is responsible for the cost of the date or service.  Then at EOS, fellow kickballers will bid on the date and/or service you are offering.  All the money will go to Kick-It, our Charity of the season.    

We would like at least one representative from each team to get involved.  Also, promote your date/service early so people have a chance to look at what people are offering and will know before the EOS what they are bidding on.  You can post on our Facebook Group Page and/or send it to to be posted on the blog. 

Here is my service:
Heather’s Party Spot <---- follow me on Instagram and Facebook
15 Free cards/invitations (includes envelopes and postage)
And up to $50 worth of custom party decorations

Have any questions or want more information… contact Nicole, Heather, or EJ.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Kickball Casanova Helping you find love on the field!

Time for Week 4!!!  AND TIME FOR BINGO!!! Who doesn’t love Bingo? Why do the old people have all the fun??  Pull up a barstool right next to your sweetie, and use some more of these super smooth pickup lines… Good luck!

Wanna play with my dauber?
How about you give me your lucky numbers?
I’ll punch out your card.
Free space? I’ve got something for you to stick right there…

ON THE MARKET- Check out these awesome single peeps!

Evil League of Evil
Ideal first date: Dodger game… Dodger dog… we’ll see where that goes ;)
Enjoys: Dancing, Disneyland, the company of her beautiful children
Dislikes: Haters, braggers and onions… no dragon breath here!

How’s My Kick Taste
Ideal first date: Flip cup at Azars
Enjoys: Subarus, Taylor Swift, bad bitches
Dislikes: Kickballers, AA meetings, Vegetarians

Evil League of Evil
Ideal first date: Riding coasters at Six Flags… maybe a funnel cake for two?
Enjoys: Barbecuing, working on classic cars, sightseeing
Dislikes: Arizona State University (U of A boy!), mushrooms

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Bingo Night May 20th

 May 20th is Bingo Night:  This will be perfect for ATP, if they can manage to stay up that late.  Mikie from Rogues and Erika from Skeet will be selling Bingo cards for $3 each or 2 for $5.  There will be 3 winners and yes, there will be prizes. Cash,  a free pitcher and appetizer from Azars, and a free WAKA season are up for grabs.  So channel your inner geezer and get ready to play some Bingo!

Proceeds go to Kick-It.  For more information about Kick-It click here 

"Cinco de Drinko" Theme Night

Spring 2013 season of Ca-Canyon started off with a bang! Members of each team well represented the theme "Cinco de Drinko."

Teams that submitted photos were: Bunt Cakes, Honey Badgers Reloaded, Kicker Bees, Rogues, Skeet Skeet Skeet: The Dynasty and The Orange Team.

Thank you to the teams that sent in their photos. The winning team received bonus points to go towards the "Best Themed Team" award to be given out at the EOS Party. The results… With 30% of the votes, Rogues wins “Best Themed Team” for the first theme night of Spring 2013. Congratulations to you all.

Monday, May 13, 2013

In the Kitchen with Bunt Cakes

                  Adult Dirt Cups 

I hope you had a chance to make some delicious soaked worms! My team and I had our fill, AND I had some worms and, um, some other ingredients left over. 

So what did I do?

 I whipped up some of these yummy treats. The best part? You can make "virgin" dirt cups for the kids in your house!

16 oz. cool whip
1 large (double) box of instant chocolate pudding
3/4 cup of kahlua
1/4 cup of vodka
1 package gummy worms
Oreo cookies
      After making the pudding and mixing in the alcohol, pour it into your little cups, and then push the lower half of a gummy worm down into the pudding.  
Enjoy your yummy drink and desert cup!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Rules of the Week

Where is the Catcher allowed to stand and is he required to run through the kicking box once the ball is kicked?

There are two requirements as to where the Catcher must be located "before the ball reaches the kicker"
1) Behind the plane of the kicker
2) Within the width of the kicking box cones (Left-to-Right)

The catcher is not required to run through the kicking box once the ball is kicked, but they must be inside the width of the kicking box up to the point until the ball reaches the kicker. 

What penalty(s) apply here?

A catcher who is either forward the plane of the kicker or outside the width of the kicking box (left-to-right) before the ball reaches the kicker is guilty of a position violation (formerly known as encroachment). A teams first violation is a warning, and any ensuing play that occurs stands as is. Second and subsequent infractions are awarded a free base to the kicker with any ensuing play to be called dead no matter what the outcome. Yes, this means that if a 2nd position infraction occurs at the same time a 3-run home run was kicked, the play is dead, runners called back on base with no runs scoring, and you would then have bases loaded. 

Rules & FAQ's related to Catcher position:

8.02 Proper Field Position must be maintained by all fielders while a pitch is in progress, and until the pitched ball reaches the kicker. Failure to be properly positioned will result in a Position Warning to the team that caused the infraction. The team's second and each subsequent Position infraction by that team that game will result in the kicker being awarded first base regardless of the outcome of the kick.

c. for Catchers: 
- The catcher must be positioned within or directly behind the kicking box and behind the horizontal plane of the kicker, parallel to the front edge of home plate. 
- The catcher may not make contact with the kicker, nor position so closely to the kicker as to restrict the kicking motion.
- The kicker may not trigger a position violation through maneuvers judged by the Ref to be deliberately tricky or unsportsmanlike.

Q: Are catchers required to line up "single file" behind the kicker?
A: No - to maintain "Proper Field Position" per Rule 8.02c, the catcher is required to be behind the plane of the kicker's body, but may be off to either side, as long as the catcher remains within or behind the kicking box

Q: If the kicker lines up behind the kicking box, is the catcher also required to remain behind the kicker? Or may the catcher line up at the back of the kicking box, in front of the kicker?
A: The catcher must begin and remain behind the plane of the kicker, wherever the kicker lines up (8.02c). (Exception: when a shallow batting cage or similar obstruction allows no room for a catcher to be behind a kicker, then the catcher may line up alongside the kicker, as long as the catcher allows the kicker to move forward first.)  

Q: If the kicker lines up to the side of the kicking box, must the catcher also do so? 
A: No - the catcher must always remain within or directly behind the kicking box (i.e., between the cones that define the back corners of the box), and behind the plane of the kicker (8.02c).  

Q: Once the pitch is being delivered, may the catcher move up alongside the kicker as long as he doesn't pass the kicker?
A: No - the catcher must remain behind the plane of the kicker until the ball reaches the kicker (8.02c).

Kickball Casanova

Kickball Casanova  Helping you find love on the field!

Week 3 is here! That’s one week closer to booze bus insanity! You’ve come to kickball all sexy in that oversized T of yours, but have you gotten his or her attention yet??? Don’t worry, the booze bus will be a great time to have that first chat… they’re a little smashed, you’re a little smashed.. it’ll work out just fine… said no one ever.  Here are a couple of costume dos and don’ts so you can appropriately break the ice before getting sloshed!  Good luck! 
                     YES                                                                    PLEASE DON’T


UUUUUUUUMMMM….                                                 HAAAAAAAAAYYYYY

BACK ON THE RIGHT PAGE                                         ONE WAY TICKET 
                                                                                              TO SINGLE TOWN

ON THE MARKET- More awesome single peeps!

Nicole S.
Ideal first date: Kings game… with a bag of zebra popcornopolis
Enjoys: Hockey, country music, Sully, bear hugs
Dislikes: Flip flop prohibitive weather, indecent jerks, and belly button lint

Honey Badgers Reloaded
Ideal first date: Opportunity for chivalry... some sushi… a movie (Disney/Pixar being a first choice)…this guy is a catch.
Enjoys: Family-loving, loyal girls, wakeboarding, Duchess
Dislikes: Sourpusses, girls who won’t get a little dirty, sunburns

Nicole C.
Bunt Cakes
Ideal first date: Dinner and a nice walk on the beach
Enjoys: Scattergories, her two puppies, Mexican food
Dislikes: Scoundrels, ugly feet
Time to get SHITTY with the Rogues!!!

The night has come and we have a lot in store for you.  The Rogues will have a Beer Refill Station at our table.   But we are not  sharing with just anyone.  Rogues will have beer tickets to hand out through-out the night.  Party with us and you may just win us over enough to give you a ticket that will be good for one beer at our refill station.  Captains:  you will each start off with 2 tickets.  And as Mikie has advertised,  meet him on stage at 1030 for a shot on us.  You snooze you loose!

We will also have Mandarin Oranges at the fields that have been "prepared" for this crazy night!  Want a Mandarin Orange? Come to our dugout for your daily dose of Vitamin C!

Something else unrelated to drinking that will be going on is a donation box at one of the tables for a very deserving family.  One of our teammate's friend's son was born with Neurofibromatosis (NF).  This has caused several complications in his short 6 years.  He was just recently diagnosed with an Optic Glioma Tumor (tumor that will eventually cause blindness and/or his eye to bulge outwards).  After multiple second opinions, his parents and doctors decided that the best course of action is Chemo.  All donations will go directly to Nathan's family to help pay for his treatments, gas to and from treatments, caregiver for their 3 year old son, and whatever else that may come up during Nathan's treatments.  May is also Neurofibromatosis Awareness month, so your support is even more appreciated.  For more information contact Heather,

Get Ready for night full of fun and lots of drinking.  I hope you all took Tuesday off,  I know I did!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Kickball Casanova

  Helping you find love on the field!

It’s Canyon, week 2! You’ve now had an opportunity to scout out that sexy guy on HMKT, or that cutie on BC… but what next!?!? The Kickball Casanova is here to give you some scoring pointers!  Good luck! 

  • Your pop fly made my fly pop
  • I didn’t believe in angels in the outfield… until I saw you play.
  • Wanna round my bases?
  • Bench me.

ON THE MARKET- Meet these awesome single peeps!

Bunt Cakes
Ideal first date: A sweet conversation over a glass of wine
Enjoys: Baking, snowboarding and the beach
Dislikes: Rude people and poop flinging monkeys

Cojones de Conejo
Ideal first date: Casual cup of coffee
Enjoys: Bicycle rides and live music
Dislikes: Ignorance and chicken livers

How’s my kick taste?
Ideal first date: Racing at MB2
Enjoys: Bacon and scratch-n-sniff stickers
Dislikes: Bugs… and non-bacon things

In the Kitchen with Bunt Cakes

This week, in honor of "Cinco de Drinko" we will be teaching you how to make our famous alcohol soaked gummy bears! Here's what you'll need:

1 large bag of gummy bears (between 5-7 pounds. After much shopping around, we've found that Smart and Final has the best prices)

1 liter of tequila, vodka or rum

Cups and spoons

Soak the bears in the alcohol in the fridge. The bears need a minimum of 24 hours, and a max of a week to soak.

The bears will start to look plump and start to taste like margaritas. Go ahead, sample a few!

After they have soaked, strain the excess alcohol, and spoon the bears into cups to enjoy!

Stay hungry Canyon,

The Bunt Cakes

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Take it from a Veteran:

Now that we’re in full swing, it’s high time I share a few things I’ve learned over my kickball years:

1. Don’t leave your phone unattended. Even those you think you can trust are not very trustworthy when it comes to your cellular device. Right, Devin?

2. Kickball is a 3rd grade sport. In 3rd grade we all learned that “caring is sharing.” So feel free to share that “Gatorade” of yours!

3. Everyone knows about your “secret relationship.” We all see you sitting next to each other on the bench, and both of you arriving to Azar’s later than everyone else. We all know you’re the last ones to leave the field because you were busy playing tonsil hockey in his car. We all know. Actually, you were really drunk last week and told a friend, who told a friend, who told me. I swore I wouldn’t tell. My bad!

4. We all love flip cup. We all take flip cup seriously. Please bring beer with you to the flip cup tables. When you leave to get beer/smoke/pee everyone is discussing what a jerk you are and trying to replace you. Don’t be that jerk!

5. Kickball is a dirty, dirty sport. The dirt in your eyes on the field can be a terrible thing. What’s not terrible are the awesome pickup lines we have at our disposal. I can do it in 11 positions, can you? Wanna round my bases? You’re welcome.

6. You shouldn’t yell or argue with the refs, ever. But accidents happen and what better way to make amends than to buy that amazing ref a drink at Azar’s to let ‘em know you’re sorry! All will be forgiven.

7. We’re not 5, so let’s use the restroom BEFORE the game starts. Peppertree’s restrooms aren’t close by and believe it or not there are penalties should you be MIA when it’s your turn to kick!

8. Remember how kickball is a 3rd grade sport? By then we should all know that name-calling is also a no-no.

9.  I would also advise you to save up your sick and vacation days for Tuesdays. Those Monday nights at Azar’s can be A LOT of fun!

10. And last, but not least, kickball is all about having fun! Have fun out there! Have even more fun by joining us at Azar’s after games and participating in all of the fun things we do. It’s not a shameless plug it’s the truth!

Get Shitty with the Rogues

Are you ready for this?

It happens every season but this season is going to be amazing!  We have stepped our game this season and we highly recommend you take the next day off or go to work hung over!

Stay tuned for more details!

We look forward to getting Shitty with you on May 13th!  

KICKER BEES make their debut! 

From the ashes of L2S (and Down & Dirty), rises the KICKER BEES... some familiar faces you all know and love and a few newbie/rookie players with a lot of heart and natural talent, the KICKER BEES goal this season is to ...well, just be BUZZED mostly, cause some we need BUZZ in the league and will STING those that get in our way.
While our first game was a loss, it was a win for FUN! Those grass games get slippery but there is only one way up from last place and we plan on playing hard, drinking harder and having a ton of fun this season!