
Another successful Get Shitty Night with the Rogues! It was a crazy, fun filled night.  For those who didn’t make it through the night, better luck next season!  Thank you all who got shitty with us and also to those who donated to Kick-It!  We are proud to announce that we raised over $200.  Now what you all (well at least some of you) have been waiting for… the Awards!

"Got Rogued" 

(Person who got the 'Sh!ttiest')

Katie from Waka-Shame

"Survived Rogue Night"

David from Honey Badgers Nation

"Partied like a Rogue"

Matt from Fresh Prince of Ball Air

Social Butterfly

Mary from Team Awesome

Bunch of Drunks:  

This team had the most people left at the end of the night.  It was a close call but they had 1 more person than Fresh Prince...

Team Awesome!

Come claim your awards at the bar tonight, if you won’t be at the bar, we will be on the Grass field at 8:45!

Time to get SHITTY with the Rogues!!!

It happens every season but this season is going to be amazing!  We have stepped our game this season and we highly recommend you take the next day off or go to work hung over!

We look forward to getting Shitty with you on Oct 7th! 

The night has come and we have a lot in store for you.  The Rogues will have a Beer Refill Station at our table.   But we are not  sharing with just anyone.  Rogues will have beer tickets to hand out through-out the night.  Party with us and you may just win us over enough to give you a ticket that will be good for one beer at our refill station.  Captains:  you will each start off with 2 tickets.  And as Mikie has advertised,  meet him on stage at 1030 for a shot on us.  You snooze you loose!

*** Tickets are ONLY good for beer at the ROGUES' TABLE, not with bartenders/servers.***

Get Ready for night full of fun and lots of drinking.  I hope you all took Tuesday off,  I know I did!


Are you ready for this?

(highlights from past seasons)


Now what you all have been waiting for… 'Get Shitty with Rogues' Awards - Spring '13.  We had a hard time this year, because most of us were too drunk to keep an eye out for kickballers who were really Getting Shitty with the Rogues. On that note, we have decided to do awards a little differently this season.  And the winners are:

Got Rogued:
Kris Briones - we all know why…

Bunch Of Drunks:
Ball me, Maybe - every time we turned our heads, there was a blue shirt at our refill station and every member of their team donated at least a $1 every time they came to the table.  And they played countless games of flip cup with us! Oh and one of their co-captains was spotted taking a body shot off of one of our Lady Rogues!  

Survived Rogues Night:
Kristina - she helped us close down the bar and was witnessed leaving  with a slight lean as she walked, along with a couple red beer stains on her shirt. 

Social Butterfly:
E.J. - He was in every other picture.  Yes, he may have been the only one with a camera, but usually you never see the person behind the camera.  

Partied Like a Rogue:
Ana - We all agreed that we all had a lot of fun with Ana.  She kept telling us how much fun she was having and thanked us numerous times.  She had a DD (her bodyguard) so she could drink and party with the Rogues!

Spring '13
Something else unrelated to drinking that will be going on is a donation box at one of the tables for a very deserving family.  One of our teammate's friend's son was born with Neurofibromatosis (NF).  This has caused several complications in his short 6 years.  He was just recently diagnosed with an Optic Glioma Tumor (tumor that will eventually cause blindness and/or his eye to bulge outwards).  After multiple second opinions, his parents and doctors decided that the best course of action is Chemo.  All donations will go directly to Nathan's family to help pay for his treatments, gas to and from treatments, caregiver for their 3 year old son, and whatever else that may come up during Nathan's treatments.  May is also Neurofibromatosis Awareness month, so your support is even more appreciated.  For more information contact Heather,

Get Ready for night full of fun and lots of drinking.  I hope you all took Tuesday off,  I know I did!

 Results from Spring '13 

Thank you all for Getting Shitty with the Rogues.  We had such a fun-filled night.  Some of  us don’t remember much but that’s neither here nor there.  We hope most of you had at least one beer refill, which we are assuming you did because we bought 20 pitchers,  15 shots,  3 Vodka Sodas with a splash of pineapple (Heather doesn’t like beer) and that was just on ONE tab.   So there was definitely plenty to go around. 

We also want to thank you all for helping us raise $200 for Nathan and his family.  They were very touched and thankful.  You are all amazing and we all appreciate the support you have given Nathan and his family.

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