Monday, November 18, 2013

From the Desk of Nicole: Canyon Playoffs: Week 1

Happy Playoffs, Canyon Ballerz! 
It's the most wonderful time of the year! PLAYOFFS! Please keep reading as this is some important stuff regarding how the playoffs will go down. 
First - the schedule, check out the bracket HERE
Make sure to look at which field you're playing on AND where you'll be reffing. Basic rule for week one of playoffs: if you're not playing, you're reffing! I know it's a lot, but it's important: 
  • Games start on time - NO GRACE PERIOD
  • Games will still be 6 innings. Higher seed chooses home or away
  • Only captains with a C on their shirts may discuss calls with refs
  • If after 6 innings and time remains, extra innings will be played (see below)
  • No new inning after 8:30pm (for first games). For the second games, you may play until lights go out. 
  • 12+ rule: If a team is winning by 12 or more runs and 3 full innings have been played, game ends at completion of next full inning
  • If the game is tied after 6 innings, extra innings can be played if abiding by the "no new inning" rule above. 
  • Extra innings - 8 people in the field (4 guys, 4 girls); kicking team places last kicker on 2nd base. Start inning with no outs, no count. Kicking order stays the same
  • Should time run out, teams will play rock, paper, scissors (RPS)
  • RPS - three players from each team face off against one another at the same time. Best of 3 rounds of RPS. If tied, sudden death rounds. 
  • A game is considered a complete game after 3 full innings.  
Equipment: Winning grass field 1 and dirt field 1, please collect equipment from both grass and dirt fields respectively and bring the bag home (and back the following week)
FUN STUFF: Afterwards, let's eat some fried pickles at Azar's - either to celebrate that win, or wallow that loss. And coming up: our END OF SEASON PARTY! 
Save the Date: December 14th @ Lava Sports Lounge. Join us for our Merry Holiday EOS! Dress as an elf, wear an ugly sweater, Santa, Mr. Menorah Man? Have fun with it and check out the Facebook Event HERE
Have a happy Monday, Ballerz and I'll see y'all tonight! 

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Bar Games: Week 1: Flip Cup!

Week 1: FLIP CUP!

  • Face off against the team you played on the fields
  • Min. 3 players; no max.; as long as matchups are even amounts
  • Best of 3 rounds
  • You may use water - teams provide own beverages
  • Report winners to your nearest Shot Caller (EJ Brown, Heather Schmitt, Katie Shepley or Nicole Silberstein )
  • Winning team receives two points in the Social Standings
  • Participants may receive a raffle ticket! Make sure it goes in the Ticket Tub! 

Ticket Tub? Whaaaat? Each week at the bar, you can earn yourself a raffle ticket! Write your name and team name on it and toss it into the tub. Each week, we'll draw a name to win some sweet stuff! Did you participate in Meet n Greet BINGO? You already have a ticket in the tub and are eligible to win this weeks prize: WAKA swag! This week you must be present to win the prize. Later on in the season you can win gift certificates for The Arena and even a FREE season of WAKA Kickball!

From the Desk of Nicole: Mercury Week 1

Mercury Ballerz! 
Welcome! Welcome! Keep reading this email because some of the info is awesome stuff you'll need all season long! 
First - you can find the schedule HERE 
There is only a 10 min. grace period so make sure to get to the fields early! Refs and equipment must arrive early, not at game time, please. No new inning can start after 8:30 for the early game or after 9:45 for the late game, regardless of start time. 
RULES! They're your friend! Find them HERE 
A few safety items to keep in mind:
  • The Safety Base: when running to first base, make sure to hit the outside base. The fielder will tag the inside base. HOWEVER, sometimes an errant ball forces the fielder to use the safety base, in which case the runner needs to change course to the inside base. This only applies at first base! 
  • Base Path: In short - get outta the way! Especially if you're not making a play, make sure you're WAY out of the runner's path. And remember that the base path is not a straight line from base to base, given the runner's arc. 
  • No metal cleats! Ouch! 
Shirts! A handful of shirts are in - you can get them from your captain tonight. However, many are not in yet, so please contact your captain on a matching color to wear tonight. 
FUN STUFF! As if playing kickball isn't enough, head to The Arena after games to participate in BAR GAMES! Didn't win on the field? No biggie, this season we'll be keeping Social Standings! Each week at the bar there will be different and fun games to participate in and represent your team. We'll even be introducing a new Social Games Trophy as well to the winning team! 
This week we're keeping it simple! FLIP CUP! Challenge the team you faced on the field to some good ol' fashioned flip cup! A minimum of 3 players, no maximum, as long as team sizes are even on each side. Winner is best of 3 rounds. *Note: You may use water, soda pop, beer, whatever you'd like. Teams supply their own beverages for play* Those who represent their team in flip cup could also win a raffle ticket to toss into the ticket tub! 
Ticket Tub? Whaaaat? Each week at the bar, you can earn yourself a raffle ticket! Write your name and team name on it and toss it into the tub. Each week, we'll draw a name to win some sweet stuff! Did you participate in Meet n Greet BINGO? You already have a ticket in the tub and are eligible to win this weeks prize: WAKA swag! This week you must be present to win the prize. Later on in the season you can win gift certificates for The Arena and even a FREE season of WAKA Kickball! 
And finally, we bring you: MYSTERY WEEK! Week 8 of the regular season is up in the air! During week one games, Captain's, find me to draw your piece of paper telling you what conference your team will be in. Conferences and how that will work for week 8 will be announced in next week's email. Yippie! 
That's all for now, Ballerz! Please remember to check your reffing and equipment duties! See y'all at the field! 
Happy Kicking,

Monday, November 4, 2013

From the Desk of Nicole: Week 8

Canyon! It's Week Eight of the regular season! 
WAKA Shame and Team Awesome - please gather equipment tonight! 
TONIGHT! In between the early and late games is the LEAGUE PHOTO! We'll meet on the dirt field that finishes their 7:30 game first. Be ready to squish in tight and smile! 
If you have the early game, make sure to stick around for a few extra minutes and if you have the late games, get to the fields a tad early! 
ALSO TONIGHT! Bingo Night hosted by Cojones: Remix to Ignition! Join us at Azar's after the games for three rounds of BINGO! Prizes include a free season of kickball; cash; and a free pitcher and appetizer! $3 for one card; $5 for two! Proceeds benefit Support for the Kids! 
Bring your extra Halloween candy to donate to the troops and receive a free bingo card! 
Check out all of the info here:
And since we're talking about awesome fun! Make sure to RSVP for our End of Season Party on Dec 14th! CLICK HERE
And finally, we heard that it it rained a bit in TO last night, *IF* games are canceled tonight, you'll receive an email and Facebook posts from yours truly. 
~ Nicole