Sunday, April 28, 2013

Rule of the week:
Force outs

Don’t look like a total noob on the first week!

A simple way to put it is, if the runner HAS TO RUN it is a force out. If the runner has the choice of whether to run or stay on base, but they choose to run and advance, THEY MUST BE TAGGED OUT. 


Scenario 1: If you are on 2nd base, your teammate is on 1st base and the ball is kicked on the ground, you must run to 3rd base, therefore it is a force out at 1st, 2nd and 3rd base. 

Scenario 2: If you are on 2nd base, no one is on 1st and the kicker bunts fair, it is a force out ONLY at 1st because the runner on 2nd base has the choice to stay on base or to run to 3rd. Therefore, if the runner on 2nd decides to run to 3rd they must be tagged out.

Any questions? ASK YOUR CAPTAINS! Or just ask on the Canyon facebook group. Try to learn the rules. It will make you a better player and people won’t hate you for making silly mistakes!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Nicole Silberstein

Name: Nicole Silberstein A.K.A. Silbs

Team: Skeet 4 Lyfe

Position: That's for you to find out later! 

Favorite drink at the bar: Fireball shots

How long have you been playing kickball?: 2.5 years...I think
Favorite part of Kickball?: The beautiful people I've met along the way
Pet Peeve: Too many to list! 
If you won the lottery...: I'd finish visiting every NHL arena. 14 so far! 
First Concert: Bryan Adams when I was 11. 
What movie can you quote word for word: Mighty Ducks and most of the Sandlot
What do you think about alone in the car?: "I really, really want to check my dog is so cute...ugh, next song!...oh, I like this song!...Sully is super I have anything to do tonight?..." 
If you could be a superhero or have super power which would it be and why? I like the idea of   reading minds, but I think I'd go crazy. So I'll go with flying! Because it's FLYING!" 
What song best describes you?: Pretty much any country song about loving your dog and truck. 
Will there be any “secret” bathroom episodes at Azar’s this season?: This is how rumors get started! :)
What are your predictions for the season?: Winning. And a booze bus. And maybe some hook ups along the way...