Sunday, May 12, 2013

Rules of the Week

Where is the Catcher allowed to stand and is he required to run through the kicking box once the ball is kicked?

There are two requirements as to where the Catcher must be located "before the ball reaches the kicker"
1) Behind the plane of the kicker
2) Within the width of the kicking box cones (Left-to-Right)

The catcher is not required to run through the kicking box once the ball is kicked, but they must be inside the width of the kicking box up to the point until the ball reaches the kicker. 

What penalty(s) apply here?

A catcher who is either forward the plane of the kicker or outside the width of the kicking box (left-to-right) before the ball reaches the kicker is guilty of a position violation (formerly known as encroachment). A teams first violation is a warning, and any ensuing play that occurs stands as is. Second and subsequent infractions are awarded a free base to the kicker with any ensuing play to be called dead no matter what the outcome. Yes, this means that if a 2nd position infraction occurs at the same time a 3-run home run was kicked, the play is dead, runners called back on base with no runs scoring, and you would then have bases loaded. 

Rules & FAQ's related to Catcher position:

8.02 Proper Field Position must be maintained by all fielders while a pitch is in progress, and until the pitched ball reaches the kicker. Failure to be properly positioned will result in a Position Warning to the team that caused the infraction. The team's second and each subsequent Position infraction by that team that game will result in the kicker being awarded first base regardless of the outcome of the kick.

c. for Catchers: 
- The catcher must be positioned within or directly behind the kicking box and behind the horizontal plane of the kicker, parallel to the front edge of home plate. 
- The catcher may not make contact with the kicker, nor position so closely to the kicker as to restrict the kicking motion.
- The kicker may not trigger a position violation through maneuvers judged by the Ref to be deliberately tricky or unsportsmanlike.

Q: Are catchers required to line up "single file" behind the kicker?
A: No - to maintain "Proper Field Position" per Rule 8.02c, the catcher is required to be behind the plane of the kicker's body, but may be off to either side, as long as the catcher remains within or behind the kicking box

Q: If the kicker lines up behind the kicking box, is the catcher also required to remain behind the kicker? Or may the catcher line up at the back of the kicking box, in front of the kicker?
A: The catcher must begin and remain behind the plane of the kicker, wherever the kicker lines up (8.02c). (Exception: when a shallow batting cage or similar obstruction allows no room for a catcher to be behind a kicker, then the catcher may line up alongside the kicker, as long as the catcher allows the kicker to move forward first.)  

Q: If the kicker lines up to the side of the kicking box, must the catcher also do so? 
A: No - the catcher must always remain within or directly behind the kicking box (i.e., between the cones that define the back corners of the box), and behind the plane of the kicker (8.02c).  

Q: Once the pitch is being delivered, may the catcher move up alongside the kicker as long as he doesn't pass the kicker?
A: No - the catcher must remain behind the plane of the kicker until the ball reaches the kicker (8.02c).

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